frezowanie CNC radom


We offer high-quality milling on new vertical and horizontal machining centers adjustable for work with small details and large-size structures The range of operation, maximum detail 4000mm x 2000m, weight up to 12 tons. Our machine park includes new 3 and 4-axis and 5-axis machining centers We machine most of the materials ranging from ordinary steel to carbon steel, stainless steel, cast iron, aluminum, brass, bronze, castings and tangential materials.
toczenie CNC radom


We offer high-quality turning on new machining centers adjustable for work with small details to large-size structures. The range of operation 800, length 2500 mm
szlifowanie CNC radom


The maximum range of operation is 500mm x 250mm


Thanks to our own design and technology office, qualified personnel and the most modern machinery park, we offer high-quality molds for plastics processing and more. DESIGN OF INJECTION MOLDS We build molds based on customer’s design or layouts prepared by our design office. We also undertake the design of the product and its technical documentation on the basis of patterns or guidelines specified by the customer. In each case, we ensure confidentiality and exclusive property of the customer with regard to the technical information entrusted to us


We offer welding of ordinary steel with the basic methods TIG> MAG> MIG and aluminum